Question: “We have used the Z-Poxy on our floors but now want to continue up the wall to create an epoxy cove base. Can this be done with the product as-is?” Answer:…
Question: “Our plant has some pretty bad damp and damaged floors. We need to put a sealer down, but first there are some holes we need to patch. Our problem…
Question: “We are a local bakery facility and one of our storage rooms is below ground. We have noticed that grease is seeping into our cinder block walls. Do you…
Question: “We really love using Z-Poxy, but it takes too long to cure. We need to get traffic back on the floor as quick as possible. Do you have a quick-drying…
Question: “We are a local energy facility and our coal chutes take a beating. We have tried using a ceramic epoxy putty to repair the problem areas, but this product…
Question: “We have a lot of carbon dust on our floor from grinding and blending pigments. We need a coating that will resist the effects of the dust in our…
Question: “Our floor is always damp and contaminated with chicken fat, but it needs to be patched. Our problem is that we need a quick-drying floor patch that will cure…
Question: “I have a reoccurring problem with fuel storage tank rust. We have to paint these large tanks every other year because the rust eventually bleeds through. Is there something…