How-To: Roof Repair

Learn how to keep up with roof repair.

No one likes a leaky roof. Learn how to easily maintain any kind of roof and reduce heating and cooling costs. For a quick roof repair use our product Rapid Patch. This seeks out the crack and swells rapidly into the crack or hole, and can be used in any kind of weather. To patch cracks in non-emergency situations, use Tri-Cover I. You can patch around roof flashing, stacks, skylights, or anywhere gaps and cracks need to be sealed.

After patching, use our Tri-Cover II to create a rubber-like coating over the entire surface. Use Elastomeric Roof Cement on your metal and polyurethane roofs to form a watertight seal in cracks, gaps, or any other area you suspect is leaking. Once those areas are patched, use our Elastomeric Roof Coating to coat the entire area. This product resists cracking and peeling from hot and cold. It will also expand and contract with your roof.


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